Date: Mon Nov 6, 2000 6:56pm Hi everyone! I'm so glad that Cynthia directed me to this place. I too have a story. I started taking Paxil 20 mg and Klonopin about 8 years ago for clinical depression. At that time in my life I guess I was depressed. I had no energy, crying spells, and generally felt "down". I also started "talk" therapy which was one of the most insane and assinine things I've ever done. Here I am stoned and whacked out on these drugs and I'm talking about my childhood and current relationships. The Paxil worked for awhile and eventually I was cut down to 10 mg a day with none of the Klonopin. I was feeling pretty good and I moved to another state with a roommate 1500 miles away from home. Since I didn't have insurance (I had just started a new job) I ran out of Paxil in my new city. I had awful withdrawl, and I had to have my mother Fed-Ex me samples from my doctor in my home town. That was a very humbling experience...I felt like a junkie that needed a fix, and I guess I was a "junkie". I moved back to my home town about 2 years ago and things were going pretty well until about 4 months ago. I had just started a great new job and I have a wonderful boyfriend. No signs of depression in years. I have no idea why my doctor kept me on this drug if I wasn't "depressed" anymore. 4 months ago started my living hell. I started to feel tired, weak, shaky, had joint aches and pains, blurred and jumpy vision, anxiety, panic attacks, difficulty breathing, lightheadedness, you name it. I was at a store with my sister and my mother and I had to have my mother take me home, because I couldn't feel my feet while I was walking. A very scary experience. I went to my MD who thought I had hypoglycemia. He did a bunch of blood tests for hypoglycemia, thyroid, etc. and they all came back negative. He then started me on a hypoglycemia diet. Well, I tried that for a couple of weeks and felt worse. Went back to my MD and he said, and I quote, "We need to get an MRI done on you. It could be a mild case of MS. But they have good drugs to treat that these days." Talk about being scared out of my mind?? Then I had to wait 3 weeks until I had the test, then another 2 weeks to get the results which were negative to my great relief. My MD then said, "We've got to change your medication. You're having mini panic attacks in your brain and the Paxil isn't working anymore. Let's put you on 10 mg of Prozac." I kept trying to convince him that I had no reason to be anxious or depressed anymore. I kept telling him that I hadn't felt THIS GOOD IN YEARS. But he said that the chemicals in my brain didn't think so. I wonder why, they've been screwed up for years. Needless to say, I continued to get worse. Felt horrible every day and I couldn't drive anymore. I had trouble seeing and was light headed. I didn't want to lose this great new job that I have, so I had to have my mother drive me to work. A very embarrassing experience when you're 30 years old. I stumbled through work somehow and got my job done. Went back to my MD and told him all of this. He told me, "Well, we'll just have to up you to 20 mg of Prozac. It might take awhile to kick in, but then you'll be fine." Up to this point I blindly believed in my MD. Then I started to do some research. I truly believe the drugs are what's making me feel sick. I've kind of mellowed out lately and can drive at least to work, but I still feel horrible. I'm starting to have really bad dreams, and my short term memory is shot to hell. I can remember things from years ago, but can't remember what I did yesterday, or a couple of minutes ago. This is really freaking me out, because I've always prided myself on an excellent memory. I had an appointment with my MD yesterday and I had reams of research that I've done to show him. I've started a withdrawal program and I'm scared as hell of the withdrawal process, but even more scared of these drugs in my brain. Thanks all for listening, and I'm sure to be a frequent visitor here! Robin Date: Mon Nov 13, 2000 3:15pm Hi guys, My mother encouraged me to go to a chiropractor because I had pulled something out of whack in my neck. I thought, what the hell, I'll see if a new doctor can shed any light on my situation, and told him every little symptom I have. He's a really nice, personable doctor and listened to EVERY symptom and said at the end, "Are you on anti-depressants?" I was shocked and said yes, I was tapering off of Prozac. He said that all of my symptoms were from the drug! So, while I'm tapering off, he has me on a detox program along with some adjustments and massage therapy for my neck. Here's the detox: 1 32 oz. glass of water with a whole fresh squeezed lemon once daily to flush the system 2,000 mg. of vitamin C once daily to flush the system Lots of fresh fruits and veggies to flush the system And the ickiest part, I have to try and choke down a few beet slices every day because beets cleanse the blood of the drug He's helped quite a few people out with this and I didn't even know this man was in my town! He's currently helping a woman who was on 60 mng of Paxil taper off and she's down to 10 mg following this plan. Wish me luck ! Robin Date: Thu Feb 8, 2001 4:46pm Hey guys. I guess I'm having what I haven't really had yet in my recovery. A "bad day". It started last night when I got home from work. I just felt really hot and I was having hot flashes. This morning I woke up just feeling really out of it. Like I was just one step out of sync. Driving to work this morning was a little rough. I felt like I was in a fog. As this morning has gone on, I'm feeling worse. Still feeling out of sync, but also extremely edgy and had a few flares of panic (butterflies, lightheadedness, etc.). I'm also shaky, my vision is blurry and I have a headache that feels like an enormous pressure deep inside my brain. Also, my coordination is off. I'm forgetting simple things (like how to type, phone numbers, etc.). My hands and feet don't feel like they belong to me, if that makes any sense. I feel like I can't concentrate, almost a feeling of dyslexia. My senses seem overstimulated too. Everything is too bright, too loud, etc. I feel like I did when I was getting sick on the meds before I tapered off. I just want to go home and lay down but 2 things stop me from that. Too much work to do and I don't trust myself to drive at this moment. Any suggestions? Robin Date: Thu Feb 8, 2001 5:35pm Response: ---Hmmm, that's how I felt when I was dealing with the panic/anxiety...if thats what it really was. Juist try and keep your cool...try and be quiet and do some deep breathing..or mabey you can get someone to take a brisk walk with you on your break? Another thing that sometimes helped was water,,just drinking it. Good luck Robin, let us know how you make out. It sucks to feel like this! Love, Sherri